Home : WIMS Main Menu (Ribbon)
Q14774 - INFO: WIMS Main Menu (Ribbon)

WIMS Main Menu

You can get to the main window once you successfully login into a facility.

The new ribbon style menu was introduced in version 8.2.4.  To make the ribbon style menu the default for a user set the  Menu Style User Setting to 'Office' using User Setup, Settings Tab  or User Profile Setup.
The next time the user logs in, the ribbon menu will be displayed.

The main window consists of 3 main parts :

  1. The Main Menu bar
  2. User's Dashboard that occupies the largest area of the window, and is completely customizable
  3. Status bar residing at the bottom of the window

Example of the Main Window :


NOTE : The menu may look different based on which user is logged into the program.
Certain menu items may not even be visible, depending on security system configuration

File Open an existing facility, Set your default facility, Exit the program.

Home: Frequently used menu options. 

Data Manager Enter/Edit/Lock/Review Data 

Report Pac Output Reports

Graph Pac Create/View Graphs

Design Create/Edit  Entry Forms and Reports

System Setup Add or edit variables. Set up System Security by defining users.  Edit various system features.

Modeling Set up and use Wastewater Process Modeling features.

Utilities Tools to export/import data, change password, view system information, etc.

Help Displays Hach WIMS Online Help.

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Created on 2/12/2024 2:46 PM.
Last Modified on 2/26/2024 9:18 AM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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