Home : Required Cell
Q14735 - INFO: Required Cell

Required Cells in Custom Data Entry forms allows the user to be warned that "required" cells in a form have not been entered. 

Example: Operator Rounds Form where the Effluent parameters (pH, Temp, and DO) are required.  All other data is optional. 

  1. In Custom Data Entry Design, highlight the cells that are required and click the check toolbar button:

    Hint: Click on a cell and the Required Cell toolbar button will be depressed if the cell has been set as required.
  2. Save the form.
  3. Open the form for use.  Enter data for one of the required cells.  Click to Exit the form.  You will be warned that 2 required cells have not been entered:

    NOTE: Notice many cells do not have results entered, it only warns for the cells that have been setup a required.
  4. The status bar at the bottom of the form indicates that a cell is required.  Double Click to see a list of required cells that are not entered:
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Created on 7/19/2023 4:01 PM.
Last Modified on 7/19/2023 4:51 PM.
Last Modified by Steve Fifer.
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