Home : Logbooks
Q10996 - INFO: Logbooks

Used to enter, edit, and review Logbook Entries.  A Logbook is a collection of notes organized by date and time.  A note contains the name of the last user that edited it, the time at which the note was edited, and the text that was written.  A Logbook can contain any number of notes.  Any number of Logbooks can exist.  Initially, just one Logbook exists called Comments.  More Logbooks can be added by opening the Logbook Manager.


Displays Logbook Entries (and allows edit/additions) for the selected Logbook (or All)/date range.  To change a comment (you must have edit privileges to the logbook), double click on it logbook add/edit form will be displayed allowing changes to the text, flags, type or UD fields.  NOTE: Another method of accessing the Logbooks is by double clicking on the notepad on the bottom left of the main menu.

A Set the date range to display logbook entries
B Use Add to create a new entry.  Displays the logbook entry add/edit form.
C Use the Arrow buttons to increase/decrease the font.  Save Settings saves your font, column widths, startup position, and default sort for the user.
D Use the Sort Button or click on a column header to sort the displayed records.

List of logbooks you have access to.  The default Logbook is the comments logbook.  Every user has permissions to write to this Logbook, but no one has delete permission except for Super and Manager Users.  If you do not have permissions to view a Logbook, it will not appear in this list.   Colors indicate your rights:

Reg Report Notes - Green, view/add/edit.
Operator Logbook - Blue, view/add.
Lab Notes - Gray, view only.


Sets the dates to display.

If you have permissions to add to the current Logbook, you can add a note.  To add a note, click on the Add Note button and it will bring up logbook entry add/edit, which allows you to enter the text for your note.

Displays the logbook entry add/edit window allowing you to edit the currently selected Note.  You must have edit privileges to the logbook. 

Deletes the currently selected note.  You must have edit privileges for the logbook. 

Displays the Find Logbook Entry form allowing you to search for comments.  Note:  Use the Quick Filter to search/filter the currently displayed records.

Allows you to set the Sort Order for up to two columns.  I.E. sort by flags then by date allowing you to see entries with flags at the top of the list.  NOTE: Click on a column header to sort by just that column.

Outputs the currently displayed comments to the print preview window where the comments can be sent to the printer.  To print a Logbook for a specified date range, use the Logbook Report.

Increases or Decreases the font size. 

Save Settings stores as your default font, column widths, startup position, and sort order.  I.E. the next time Logbooks is loaded these settings will be loaded for the user. 

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Created on 4/25/2008 1:12 PM.
Last Modified on 8/24/2022 12:10 PM.
Last Modified by Ryan Rhoten.
Article has been viewed 5910 times.
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