Home : STATZ
Q11327 - INFO: STATZ
STATZ returns the statistic (Average, Max, Min…) of a range of cells.  Typically used with cell values that contain data qualifiers (i.e. <,>, ND…)


STATZ(Cell Range,”Stat”, Cascade Rule, MDL Rule, Dec Places, optional "No_Value_Print")

Cell Range: The cell range to anaylze. i.e. (A1:A31)

Stat:  The Statistic to calculate (must be in quotes)

Cascade Rule: Sets when to display the data qualifiers (<,>, ND) with the calculated statistic.  Valid settings are:

0 - Display no data qualifiers in result.
1 - Display the data qualifier if one of the values contains the qualifier.
2 - Display data qualifier if over half the values contains the qualifier.
3 - Display data qualifier if all of the values contains the qualifier.
4 - Cascade all data qualifiers.

MDL Rule: Sets what value to use the in calculation of the statistic when cells contain data qualifiers.

0 - Zero
1 - Entered Value
2 - Half of <, twice of >
3 - Zero if <, Entered Value if >

Decimal Places: Sets the number of decimal places to be displayed.

No_Value_Print: OPTIONAL.  Sets a string to be printed if there are no values in the date range.




STATZ(B3,B7,"AVG_MED",0,1,1) - takes the "Average Median" for California DMR reporting.  Click here for a examples of AVG_MED calculations.


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Created on 6/5/2008 12:04 PM.
Last Modified on 2/18/2019 3:45 PM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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