Home : Monthly Data Entry Options
Q14395 - INFO: Monthly Data Entry Options

Sets options for the current Monthly Data Entry form such as headers, fonts, summary stats, etc...

Entry Group: Sets the Entry Group for the form.

Default Logbook: The logbook that is displayed in the first column of the form.

Enter Key Action: Select Down or Across to determine the direction the cursor will move when the [Enter] key is pressed. When working in a Monthly Data Entry form, moving down will move you to the next day, same parameter. Moving across will move you to the next parameter, same day.

Border Edited Data: Cells where data has been changed (e.g. data entered and then edited or deleted) can be displayed with a blue border.  Parameters or Parameters and Calcs can be bordered with this option.  Note:  Changes to data approval will not cause the cell to be bordered, only changes to the value.

Start Time of Day: For Daily Detail variables, defines the day for the summary stat displayed and the hours displayed in the daily detail edit form.  Example, if set to 7AM the average shown for April 1st in the Monthly Data Entry Form will show the average from April 1st at 7AM thru April 2nd at 6:59:59AM.  If you double click on the cell to bring up the daily detail edit form, the form will show data for April 1st at 7AM thru April 2nd at 6:59:59 AM.

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Created on 11/18/2016 3:25 PM.
Last Modified on 11/4/2021 1:54 PM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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