GAVGMEDZ returns the average or median (depending on data, see Average Median for California DMR Reporting) of all of the values (values can contain data qualifiers) in the date range specified by the Offset and Grouping for the variable.


GAVGMEDZ(VarNum, GroupOffset/StartDate, Grouping/EndDate, Decimal Places, MDL Rule, optional No Value Print) 

VarNum:  The variable number to get the average for.

GroupOffset/StartDate: Used with the Grouping parameter to set the dates to calculate the stat for.  Sets the number of Groups (set by the Grouping Parameter) to be added to set the dates.  See examples below. If this field is a date string (i.e. "07/16/2004") or refers to a cell with a date in it, it is assumed to be the start date to calculate the stat for.

Grouping/EndDate: Used to set which dates to calculate the stat for.  If the Grouping is a date literal string (i.e. "07/16/2004") or refers to a cell with a date in it, it is assumed to be the end date to calculate the stat for. Common Settings are:
"D" Days
“M” Monthly 
"R" Report Dates 
“Y” Yearly

Decimal Places: Sets the number of decimal places to be displayed. For variables with decimal places set to "Not Fixed" click here for additional formatting options.

MDL Rule: Ignored.  If a data qualifier is found the median is calculated according to the California Average Median rules

No Value Print: Sets a string to be displayed if there are no values in the date range.


In Design, Spread Reports use Locate, Group Summary to place this formula on a report.


GAVGMEDZ(1,3,"Q",2,1) returns the average median of the values for variable 1, of the second quarter of the report displaying 2 decimals and a MDL symbol if at least one value in the quarter contains a symbol.

GAVGMEDZ(1,3,"Q",2,1,"X") returns the average median of the values for variable 1, of the second quarter in the group displaying 2 decimals and a MDL symbol if at least one value in the quarter contains a symbol.  Returns "X" if no values are found.

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Created on 7/27/2010 10:06 AM.
Last Modified on 2/13/2019 9:50 AM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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