Home : Daily Variable
Q11419 - INFO: Daily Variable

Custom Data Entry Design - Sets up cells for data entry into the chosen variable. 


In custom data entry design, select Locate>Daily Variable.  Select the variable you wish to locate. Set number of days (values) you want to enter data for and heading options. The variable will be placed into the currently selected cell. If more than one day was chosen additional days will proceed down from the original point.

The cells for which variable references are associated are formatted according to the current settings for the selected variable in System Setup, Edit/View Variables.  The number of decimal places, the type of variable and whether or not to accept "<", ">", and "ND" entries are all fields which can change format settings of a cell that stores data into a variable.  Each time a form is loaded for data entry, these settings are changed based on their current values.

Field Descriptions:

Variable: Select the variable to be placed on the form.

Variable Type: Display only field that shows whether the currently selected variable is a Param (Parameter), Calc'd (Calculated) or Text type variable.  

Decimal Places:  Displays the current setting for the number of decimal places for the selected variable.

Allows "<" or " >" Entry: Displays a check mark for variables that are setup for Minimum Detection Limits. Click here for information on MDLs.

I want to enter data for __ Day(s):  Enter the number of days to be entered.  For example, to place a week of values, enter a 7.  This will create 7 fields for data entry.  You can place up to 31 days for each variable on a form.

Place Date Beside Data: To place the date each data entry cell will apply to, check this box and select the date format.

Date Format: Sets the format for the located dates.

Place Data Across:  Locates data horizontally in a row rather than in a column (Down).

The Heading is the text which is placed beside at the top of a column when a variable is placed on the form.

Variable Number: Check to display the Variable Number

Variable Name: The Variable Name as specified in System Setup, Edit/View Variables.

Location: The Location the variable is assigned to.

Location Path:  The entire path of the Location the variable is assigned to (e.g. Aeration\Tank #1, Filter Gallery\Filter #1)

Units:  Check to display the variable's Units.

User Defined 1:  Check to display the variable's User Defined 1 field.  WIMS will display the actual name of the User Defined 1 field (i.e. what is was renamed to).  See the User Defined tab for information on user defined fields.   

User Defined 2: Check to display the variable's User Defined 2 field. WIMS will display the actual name of the User Defined 2 field (i.e. what is was renamed to). See the User Defined tab for information on user defined fields.

The Sample Info tab allows Lab Cal Users to setup cells to allow users to enter sample and analysis data.  For example, along with the result, users can enter Analysis Start and End Times instead of using the Lab Cal Close/Edit Sample Form.  The following Lab Cal Fields can be located:

SAMPLE_DATETIME: Sets the Sample Date/Time.  Note: The Date/Time entered MUST be in the day (data slot) for which it was scheduled.  If a Sample Date/Time is entered for a different day a warning message will be displayed and the Sample Datetime will NOT be saved.  You must use Lab Cal to move a sample.

SAMPLED_BY:  Set to the personnel who took the sample.

RECEIVED_BY: Sets the person who received the sample in the Lab.

RECEIVED_DATETIME: Sets the date/time the sample was received in the lab.

ASSIGNEDTO: Samples can be assigned to personnel. This allows the calendar to be filtered to show only samples assigned to an individual. In Sample Setup you can set the default Assigned To

ANALYSIS_START: The date and time the analysis was started.

ANALYSIS_END: The date/time the analysis was completed.

ANALYZED_BY: The  person who analyzed the test.

METHOD: Analytical Method used.


The Additional Info tab is used to setup cells to allow users to enter Data Additional Info values. 


Allows the cell to be linked to a cell containing a date. See Using linked dates in CDE


Places the field or fields on the form.  The fields will be placed in the upper left hand corner of the form and be pre-selected so that they may be moved to their desired location.

Cancels the placement of a variable field and returns to the design screen.

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Created on 7/31/2008 4:06 PM.
Last Modified on 7/31/2021 2:23 PM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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