Home : Products : Aspen : Aspen/Access 2007 Compatibility
Q10840 - INFO: Aspen/Access 2007 Compatibility

Aspen/Access 2007 Compatibility

A review of Aspen Version 7.5 running under Access 2007 has revealed that all features of Aspen are functional with the following exceptions:

1.     The three calendar status review forms that were introduced in Version 7.0 (Calendar Review Sets, Calendar Sample Status and Calendar TestGroup Status) open properly and display data correctly for the current month, but moving to a different month does not display data correctly.  The forms need to be redesigned to be compatible with Access 2007.  NOTE:  Those users running Aspen via the Access 2000/2003 runtime option will have the full functionality of these forms.

2.    The Toolbar displayed during the Print Preview of reports (LIMSPrint toolbar) does not work properly when closing the report.  All other buttons on this toolbar function properly.


Users should open the Access Print Preview where they will have access to the Close Print Preview button plus many other options applicable to reviewing/printing reports.  NOTE:  Those users running Aspen via the Access 2000\2003 runtime option will have the full functionality of LIMSPrint Toolbar.


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Created on 3/21/2008 2:25 PM.
Last Modified on 3/21/2008 2:25 PM.
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