Home : Facility Database Explanation
Q13247 - INFO: Facility Database Explanation

Facility Database: Any physical site and its subcomponents (including lift stations, wells, collection sites, sample sites, etc) that require a seperate database (hosted locally or remotely as part of an enterprise system). Security is administered on a per database basis.  Hach WIMS allows you to add facilities up to a specified limit (based on your specific product).  You may purchase additional Facility Databases which will be added to your existing Hach WIMS License.

NOTE: Tutorial databases do not count against your purchased Facility Databases in your license.


When to choose to add a separate facility database? 

  • When you need to ensure that the data/setup in a database is not editable by users outside of that facility.  For example, you have a water and wastewater plant and you need to make sure that the water people do NOT change the Wastewater database. 
  • You have a large number of variables that need to be tracked.  For example, if all the variables are in one databases, the users have to sift through the complete list when they only care about their facilities data.


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Created on 12/3/2010 2:24 PM.
Last Modified on 3/3/2016 9:09 AM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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