Home : Supported variable configurations for interface Q12233
Q12238 - HOWTO: Supported variable configurations for interface Q12233

Supported variable configurations for the Hach WIMS Direct Server-Side Interface to OSISoft PI Historian.

To configure a variable to hold values from OSISoft PI Historian, select Edit/View Variables in the client and select the Interface tab.

Then click Interface To radio button. The drop down box next to the option is now enabled, click the drop down arrow and choose the OSISoft PI interface name (name given when configuring the interface).

Now you are ready to configure a signal tag from the GE Fanuc Proficy Historian. The Tag name and a statistic are all that are mandatory.

  •  This is the tag name in the GE Fanuc Proficy system. The Proficy Historian referres to it as the Tag Name. The ? symbol (question mark) will allow you to browse the Proficy Historian for tag names. An explanation of the browser can be found in Using Interface Browser Q12234.
  •  This is a listing of all the statistics supported by this interface. This includes the following statistics for a specified time period:




Take the average of the data points


Take the sum total of all values


Get the minimum value


Get the maximum value


Get the first value


Get the last value


Calculate the difference between the first and last values. If the first value is larger than the second then it will perform the following calculation: (10 ^ (Ceil(LOG(first_value) / LOG(10)))) - first_value + last_value

Ceil will cause the value to round up


Calculate the absolute value of the difference between the minimum and maximum values


Return the total use based on a tank level signal. For example, the level is 10 feet at midnight and slowly goes down to 2 feet at 2:00 PM, then gets filled to 15 feet and slowly goes down to 8 feet at midnight. The inventory function would return ((10 - 2) + (15 - 8)) = 15.


Counts the number of values greater than the given number (x). If left unspecified it will use zero (0).


Counts the number of values greater than or equal to the given number (x). If left unspecified it will use zero (0).


Counts the number of values less than the given number (x). If left unspecified it will use zero (0).


Counts the number of values less than or equal to the given number (x). If left unspecified it will use zero (0).


Counts the number of values equal to the given number (x). If left unspecified it will use zero (0).


Counts the number of values not equal to the given number (x). If left unspecified it will use zero (0).


Counts the number of times a value cycles to a particular number (x).


Counts the number of data points.


Returns the most often seen text value


Returns the time of the minimum value as a text value, sets numeric value to 1 (one).


Returns the time of the maximum value as a text value, sets numeric value to 1 (one).

 For additional settings see Supported variable configurations for interface Q12233 - Advanced Settings.

  •  This is the value to multiply the result by when using parameter variable types. Commonly used to convert from one unit base to another. For example to convert gallons per minute (GPM) to gallons per day (GPD), set the scale factor to 1440 (1440 minutes per day).

  •  All three fields must have numeric values or the word None (as shown). The Low Range and High Range will crop data from the source. For example to eliminate negative numbers from a particular tag, set the Low Range to 0 (zero) - this will get any values equal to or greater than 0 (zero). The Deadband is used for the statistic Inventory and will elliminate noise levels up to the value specified. For example, if you enter .5 next to Deadband, any value change of .5 or less, will be ignored.

    • Start Time will set the beginning of the time slot for this variable.
    • Stop Time will set the ending time for the time slot.
    • Same Day as Start is only used by daily variables and it means the stop time is on the same day as the start time.
    • Day After Start is also only used by daily variables and it means the stop time is a day after the start time.

    • Node Tag Field is the signal tag to filter by from the GE Fanuc Proficy Historian. You can find tag names using the ? the same way you found the signal tag above.
    • The second field is the filter operator drop down. This includes the following:



< Less than, true if the value returned is less than the filter value
> Greater than, true if the value returned is greater than the filter value
= Equal to, true if the value returned is equal to the filter value
<= Less than or equal to, true if the value returned is less than or equal to the filter value
>= Greater than or equal to, true if the value returned is greater than or equal to the filter vaue
<> Not equal, true if the value returned is not equal to the filter value

    • The last field is the filter value. The value returned from the filter tag is compared to this value.

The only statistics supported with Filter Data are: AVERAGE, TOTAL, MAXIMUM, MINIMUM, FIRST, LAST, RANGE, and DIFF. Do not use Filter Data for any other statistic. In order for two tags to match up in equal time intervals, data retrieval method is always interpolated.

Example of a query to get the recordset that includes a filter tag:

SELECT s.time, s.value, f.value 
FROM piarchive..piinterp2 as s, piarchive..piinterp2 as f
WHERE s.Tag = 'HW_Inf_Eng_FlowA_CurVal'  AND f.Tag = 'HW_Inf_Eng_FlowA_DayTot'
AND s.time >= date('25-May-2009 00:00:00') AND s.time < date('26-May-2009 00:00:00')
and s.timestep='1m' and f.time = s.time and s.value is not null

This returns three columns: date and time, source values, and filter values. The filter values are compared using the filter operator and filter value to determine whether to use the source value or not. Using a filter tag is only supported in the following statistics: AVERAGE, TOTAL, FIRST, LAST, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, RANGE, and DIFF. Do not enter the source tag in the filter tag field, use the Filter options above to set high and low limits.

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Created on 5/20/2009 1:47 PM.
Last Modified on 1/17/2014 10:56 AM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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