Home : Variable Browser
Q10521 - INFO: Variable Browser

The Variable Browser is used to quickly select variables.  Any time WIMS requires you to pick variables, the variable browser will  be available.  You get to the variables browser in a variety of ways:

Click the  button on the variable picker:

Click the  button on forms where multiple variables need to be selected (such as Monthly Data Entry Design)

Selecting a Variable:

  • Simply click on the variable (anywhere on the row of the variable you want).  Click OK.  You can also simply double click on the variable.

Sorting the list:

  • To sort on a particular column, click on it's column heading.  To sort it the opposite way, click the column heading once again.


Filtering/Searching the list:

  • Option 1: Type any search string in Quick Search.  The list will automatically be filtered for any variables that contains the entered string in the Name,  Heading, Units, Storet # or Signal Tag columns.  NOTE - if the columns are not displayed (i.e. not marked as visible in Setup) they will NOT be searched. 

  • Option 2: Use the  button to build advanced Filters


Rearranging Columns:

  • To rearrange the columns, click on the column heading of the column you want to move.  Drag the column to the position you want it in and drop it there.


Click on the Setup button to select which variable fields (i.e. Var Name, Units, Storet Code, etc...) are to be displayed. 


Saves the current browser settings (columns, widths, window size, etc...).  These settings are then used the next time the browser is loaded.  NOTE: The columns (fields) displayed, their order and widths are system wide settings (i.e. all users will now get these settings).  The size of the window and the size of the location tree is a user specific setting and is only saved for that user. 

The Filter button allows you to look at a subset of variables instead of the whole list.  For example, you can define a filter that displays all variables with a location of "Influent".  To use a filter that has been saved, simply click on the Filter pulldown button to pick one that is listed.  To define a new filter, click on the Filter button.



Using the Variable Browser                                          


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Created on 10/8/2007 7:34 PM.
Last Modified on 4/10/2019 4:27 PM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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