Home : Whitepapers : Hach WIMS Case Study - Littleton/Englewood, Colorado
Q13309 - WHITEPAPER: Hach WIMS Case Study - Littleton/Englewood, Colorado

The Littleton/Englewood Wastewater Treatment Plant (LEWWTP) is the third largest Publicly Owned Treatment Works in the state of Colorado. The plant receives sewage from the cities of Englewood and Littleton, as well as from twenty-one (21) connector districts in the service areas of these communities.

The LEWWTP is well-known and respected throughout the wastewater industry, having the honor of being a recipient of an EPA Excellence in Wastewater Management award.  The Operations and Maintenance criteria of the award emphasizes the use of innovative Operations and Maintenance approaches, process control, effective financial management, ongoing operator training, and laboratory and maintenance management.

Given their emphasis to excellence, the LEWWTP conducted a search for a leading software product that could fulfill their extensive data management and reporting needs.  In 2003, the LEWWTP purchased Hach WIMS (formerly OPS SQL) to accomplish this task. 


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Created on 1/19/2011 9:16 PM.
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