Home : Whitepapers : Hach WIMS Case Study - Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources
Q13306 - WHITEPAPER: Hach WIMS Case Study - Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources

Serving a population of 750,000 and 15 municipalities, the Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources (GCDWR) has three (3) water reclamation facilities and two (2) water plants.  The GCDWR maintains over 200 pumping stations to support its distribution and collection systems.  Regulatory and operational data are collected from the County’s treatment facilities and infrastructure on a regular basis in the form of sample collection, conditional observations, or instrument readings.  

For more than 15 years, each of the three (3) water reclamation facilities utilized the OPS 32 system to automatically generate regulatory reports and allow plant operators to trend data.  

Seeking to be a more effective water utility agency, the GWDWR recently focused on a greater use of Information Technology to begin harnessing the power of its operations data for strategic and operational decision making.  However, the use of separate OPS 32 databases at each plant posed a challenge for this desired goal, as data extracted from each database into a consolidated format was cumbersome and time consuming due to varying plant nomenclature. 


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Created on 1/19/2011 9:08 PM.
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