Home : Products : General : Customer Support Collaboration Portal : Support Case Detail
Q12353 - FAQ: Support Case Detail

Support Case

This section contains the details associated with the support case. If you have permission, you may also mark the support case as resolved.

Print - Opens the support case in a Window formatted for printing.

Type - The type of support case that best describes this incident (i.e. Bug, Feature, Task or Support Issue).

Description - A brief description about the support case.

Status - The current state that the support case is in (i.e. Open, Completed, Known Issue, etc.)

Created - The date the the support case was created.

Modified - The date the support case was last modified. Adding new comments does not update the modified date.

Assignee - The technical support representative who is assigned to this support case.

Reporter - The person who reported the support incident. If the case was opened via the website then 'External User ID' will be shown.

Details - A detailed explanation of the support incident. If the support case has an attachment associated with it then it will be displayed here.

Mark As Resolved - If you have permission, you may mark the support case as resolved. This will let us know that you are no longer experiencing this issue and we can close the support case.


This section shows all the public comments associated with the support case. Comments can be used to provide more details about the support case, provide updates regarding the case or contain attachments relevent to the support case.

Comment Title - The title of the comment

Posted by - The user who posted the comment and the date the comment was posted

Comment Details - The comment/message body

Attachments - If the comment has an attachment, it will be listed and made available for download

Add A Comment

This section allows you to post new comments and attachments relevant to the support case.

Subject - A brief description of the issue. This field is limited to 255 characters.

Body - A detailed description of the issue that you are experiencing. This field does not limit the number of characters so you may be as detailed with the message body as you wish.

Attachment - Please attach any documents that may be relevant to the issue (i.e. screenshots of error messages, log files, etc.).

Attachment Description - Describes what is being attached. This field is limited to 255 characters.

Submit - Adds the comment/attachment to the support case.

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Created on 7/6/2009 11:44 AM.
Last Modified on 1/4/2012 9:39 AM.
Last Modified by No Author Name Available!.
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