Home : Products : Hach WIMS : Interfaces : Hach WIMS Direct Server-Side Interface to Montgomery Watson LIMS : Documentation : Topics specific to operation of interface : Using Interface Browser Q12329
Q12333 - INFO: Using Interface Browser Q12329

When browsing for LIMS Station Name, the following screen will be shown:

When browsing for the Parameter Name, the following screen will be shown:


  • Shortcut Buttons
    • OK - send the selected tag name back to the Hach WIMS client.
    • Cancel -cancel selecting a tag.
    • Find - allow user to find a specific tag or series of tags.
    • Help - bring up help information about the interface and specifically the browser.
    • Exit - exit the browser without making a tag selection.

  • Browser Menu
    • File - Ok, Cancel, Find and Exit work same as Shortcut Button it is associated with
    • Help -  How to use this browser brings up help file that you can navigate to learn more about the browser and the interface associated with it.


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Created on 6/25/2009 11:41 AM.
Last Modified on 6/25/2009 11:41 AM.
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