Home : Products : General : Mount ISO image file as virtual CD/DVD ROM using WinCDEmu
Q12278 - HOWTO: Mount ISO image file as virtual CD/DVD ROM using WinCDEmu

WinCDEmu is an open-source software that allows mounting CD/DVD images by clicking at the image files in Windows Explorer. It supports both Windows XP and Vista, is open-source and completely freeware.

  1. If you currently do not have WinCDemu on your machine, you must first Install WinCDEmu.

  2. To Install, Download the latest version of WinCDemu download site at sourceforge.net

  3. Click on installation file to start the install, and follow instructions on the screen. These screenshots were taken from Windows XP SP3 :

  4. Once installed, navigate to the folder where your ISO file resides, and double click on the ISO file to mount it as virtual CD / DVD ROM.

  5. You can now navigate to My Computer. A new Device with Removable Storage will now be listed.

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Related External Links
WinCDEmu webpage
WinCDEmu sourceforge website (use to download most recent version)
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i missed the part "double click on the iso file", i dont know what to do, thanks this howto helps Approved: 7/6/2009 6:33 PM
Created on 6/9/2009 4:39 PM.
Last Modified on 6/10/2009 8:28 AM.
Last Modified by No Author Name Available!.
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