Home : Products : OPS SQL : OPSSQL.ini Settings Explained
Q11975 - INFO: OPSSQL.ini Settings Explained

The OPSSQL.INI file is located in the same folder as your OPSSQL.EXE (default c:\opssql\) and is used by OPSSQL during startup of the program.  The following is a list of OPSSQL.ini file settings, each has a brief explaination of each setting and how to use it.

Example OPSSQL.INI file:

1=Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Data Source=ORA10;User ID=@@@;Password=###;
2=Provider=SQLNCLI;Data Source=SV011\OPSSQL;initial catalog=@@@;User Id=OPSDBA;Password=###;OLE DB Services =-2;



This has two typical settings, 1 or 2.  "1" specifies that the database is an Oracle Database.  "2"  specifies that the database is a Microsoft SQL database

Connection String:

This is the Database connection string specifies where the OPS SQL data is to be located. An example of a connection string is:

2=Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=LT034\OPSSQL;initial catalog=@@@;User Id=OPSDBA;Password=###;OLE DB Services =-2;


            - The number at the beginning corresponds to the DBTYPE (see DBTYPE above)

            - "Provider" specifies the database driver to use when connecting to the database.

                        For a Microsoft SQL database, use: SQLOLEDB (as in the example)

                        For an Oracle Database, use: OraOLEDB.Oracle.1

            - "Data Source" specifies the name and location of the database. The example above specifies the database as "LT034\OPSSQL"

                        A typical database will be named after the computer it is running on.  If multiple database servers are running on a single computer, an extended naming must be used to distinguish between each database on the computer.  In the above example, "LT034" is the computer name and the "\OPSSQL" is the specific SQL server.

            - "initial catalog" is used to specify a database within the server.  In the case of the OPSSQL.ini, this is set internally by the software and should always equal "@@@".

            - "User Id" sets the login used to access the database.  With OPS SQL databases, this is always set to "OPSDBA", which stands for OPS Database Administrator.

            - "Password" sets password to be used with the "User Id" to access the database.  In the case of our connection string, this is internally set in the software and should always equal "###".

            - "OLE DB Services" specifies the type of services to be used by the connection to the database, this should always be equal to "-2" in the OPSSQL.ini file.



Any one of these can be used to specify a default email address for the "From:" field when generating reports to be emailed out.

            (Example:      MAILFROM=support@opssys.com)




This specifies whether or not multiple instances of OPS SQL are allowed to run on a single machien. By default, this is set "=0"  To enable multiple instances, set "=yes"

            (Example:      ALLOWMULTIRUN=0)




Sets the scroll delay (scroll speed) of scrolling objects/windows in OPS SQL.  By default, this is set to 400.




This entry enables the browser ellipsis buttons on the Variable Edit/View LIMS tab.  Functionality is similar to the browse capability on the Interface tab.  To configure this feature, need to set the LIMSCNN connection to the LIMS database using the same connection string the LIMS interface would use.  The LIMS database must contain the following views/tables/queries to correctly function:


LIMS_LOC         a view selecting available LIMS SampleIDs (sampling locations)

LIMS_TESTS    a view selecting available LIMS TestIDs (analytes)


If the views exist, the browser will select the first column in the view when the user picks a record.
























Configures the OPSSQL Edit/View Variables dialog, Interface Tab, Signal Tag Browser control, ie the button with the (?). The InterfaceTab should first be configured for iHIST as the primary interface under user settings.  The following line should be added toOPSSQL.INI:




where "connectionstring" is the connection string copied from the iHistorian OPS Interface.ini file that connects to the iHistorian SCADA


When properly configured the (?) button will bring up a list of SCADA tags from the iHistorian.


Note that multiple iHistorian connections can be specified (IHISTCNN2, etc) and a droplist will appear in the SCADA tag browser to select between them









































This setting is used to change the "Time Out" delay in seconds when upgrading a database.  By default it is 600, unless otherwise specified.  Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 was observed to time out while upgrading very large databases. This was due to the fact that SQL Server 2005 SP2 has different timeout settings from previous releases of Microsoft SQL Server. This situation is now accounted for. Should there ever be a need, users can set the timeout even higher than 600 seconds, using this .ini setting.

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Created on 1/29/2009 8:21 PM.
Last Modified on 1/29/2009 8:27 PM.
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