Home : Products : OPS 32 : OPS 32: Upgrading to WIMS and Data Conversion Options
Q10835 - INFO: OPS 32: Upgrading to WIMS and Data Conversion Options

Hach has now been running OPS SQL upgrades for over 10 years.  90% of the OPS 32 database conversions are smooth and you can run the conversion yourself.  However, we have identified some conditions that can create problems; specifically if the OPS 32 database is too large. Please review the last paragraph in this Knowledge Base Article: Why Upgrade to OPS SQL?

Hach recommends you purchase installation and training services with your upgrade, which includes Conversion Services.  However, we offer 2 other options for database conversion services with your upgrade:

  1. DIY (do it yourself): If you have an active support subscription a Hach technician is available to review the documentation and answer your questions before/after you run the conversion.
  2. Conversion Services: for 2 hours of service ($300) an OPS technician will start the conversion process via Go-To-Meeting.  We will lead the conversion remotely while your "System Champion" assists.
    1. If the conversion is quick, the technician will review the final database with you.
    2. If the conversion progress is long,  your "System Champion" will contact the technician and have a second meeting to finalize and review the conversion.
    3. If there is a failure/error during the conversion OR if you do not have high speed internet access, Hach will need to obtain a backup of the OPS 32 database, run an analysis of the database and attempt the conversion in house.
      1. Please Note: An in-house conversion will cause a disruption of your normal workflow.  ANY data entered into the OPS 32 program after we ahve the backup will not be included in the conversion.
      2. Conditions may exist that will require additional hours
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Created on 3/11/2008 2:10 PM.
Last Modified on 7/29/2014 2:15 PM.
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