Home : Products : OPS 32 : Repairing Database Using OPS32
Q10689 - HOWTO: Repairing Database Using OPS32

To repair your database using OPS32, open up OPS32 and login to any facility. It is highly suggested that you backup your database before you repair. Repairing a highly damaged database

Once inside OPS32, click on Utilities->Repair.

Once inside select the directory containing the database that needs to be repaired. (it will most likely be inside the OPS 32 root directory in a subfolder named after the facility.)

Then select the .mdb file and click on repair.

A window will come up confirming Success.

Check your database for integrity. If your database was extremely damaged, your database will not function after the repair, you will need to restore your back up.

Note: This process will not succeed unless you have administrator privileges in OPS 32.

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Created on 1/31/2008 4:17 PM.
Last Modified on 1/31/2008 4:21 PM.
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