Home : Products : Job Cal Plus : Job Cal Plus Release Notes
Q10402 - INFO: Job Cal Plus Release Notes

7/19/2018 version 2.9.9

Download Latest Version.  To use, unzip the Job.exe file and replace your existing Job.exe. 

  • Edit linked files used the Graphics security setting instead of LinkedFiles. 
  • Added User Defined 10 (INVYUD10) field to Inventory Records
  • Added Quick Filters to browsers:  Inventory, Employee, Work Order, Tasks, and Equipment. 

8/15/2013 version 2.9.7 build 133
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in this version include:

Updated link to online knowledge base articles (Item # 834)
Updated documentation and built a CHM type file for Windows 7 customers. Changed help topic links throughout the program to display appropriate, context sensitive help. (Item # 835)
Fixed Vendor Setup not storing data correctly for the User Defined (UD) fields. (Item # 3769)
Fixed Current Meter Readings Report not showing latest meter readings. (Item # 4026)
Fixed Current Meter Readings Report using different date formats. (Item # 4088)
Fixed issue filtering by Complete Date in Work Order History. (Item # 4133)
Create Corrective Work Order form had a button on the tool bar that was permanently grayed out. Fixed (Item #4168)
Fixed Add Misc Inventory button to refresh inventory correctly. (Item #4170)
Fixed Job Mailer to handle missing LOGS folder. (Item #4172)
Fixed calendar refresh that makes application appear to be locked up. Added a splash screen to inform users that the calendar is being refreshed. (Item # 4260)
Updated the End User License Agreement

12/30/2011 version 2.9.6 build 63

The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in this version include:

Using the date format: dd-MMM-yyyy worked in all cases because there is no ambiguity in the interpretation of the date, and a date format of dd/MM/yyyy the date Oct 24, 2011 was interpreted correctly. However, Jan 10, 2011 (10/01/2011) then DAO sees it as Oct 1, 2011. (Item # 4088)


9/2/2011 version 2.9.5 build 33

The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.9.5 Build 33 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 or later on your computer before updating to version 2.9.5.


Allow filtering by COST on the Inventory Report (Item # 4055)

Fixed bug Current Meter Readings report does not always reflect latest meter reading (Item # 4026)


 8/17/2011 version 2.9.4 build 28
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.9.4 Build 28 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 or later on your computer before updating to version 2.9.4.


Fixed User Defined fields are not matching up between the Vendors window and the Pick From Vendors window (Item # 3769)

Fixed problem where Update Work Order Items was setting item cost to zero on the work orders (Item # 3733)

Removed the debug message box (Item # 3891)


1/6/2010 version 2.9.3 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.9.3 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 or later on your computer before updating to version 2.9.3.


Evaluation CD’s (the program will only run for a certain number of days) would not install because of an invalid serial number error. This has been fixed.


12/8/2009 version 2.9.2 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.9.2 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 or later on your computer before updating to version 2.9.2.


Improvements to the Auto Work Order Scheduler have been made. Now besides just printing work orders, you can set up the scheduler to generate work orders in pdf format and email them to people automatically.


You can now skip multiple work orders at the same time instead of skipping them one at a time.


There is now a user setting that when enabled will popup the work order number on the calendar as you hover the cursor over a cell.


The inventory re-order list that is displayed on the calendar now doesn’t show items that have the re-order quantity set to 0.


The inventory re-order list that is displayed on the calendar now will be refreshed when opening a different database through the menu item File/Open Database and also when exiting the Inventory entry screen.


When entering meter readings and a meter rolled over, it could cause a warning message to pop up about the rollover situation more times than was necessary. This has been fixed.


Repairing the WO table in the database maintenance screen was causing an Invalid Use of Nulls error on the calendar screen for certain versions of the program. This has been fixed.


Right-clicking on multiple work orders to close them all at the same time was causing a problem in JOB Cal Basic. It was setting the date complete on the screen that popped up to 12/30/99 by default causing the user to have to change these dates before closing the work orders. This has been fixed.


After closing the last open purchase order, error 3021 – no current record was displayed. This has been fixed.


When printing certain reports if there was nothing to report a message would pop up saying ‘There are no records for the criteria you have selected’. This is correct but then it would pop up a blank preview window which the user had to close manually. Now this preview window will close automatically if the report is empty.


A sporadic error was sometimes letting users right-click on an estimated work order to bring up a menu that does things that don’t apply to estimated work orders. This has been fixed.


The Facility entry screen now lets you enter a billing address and a shipping address.


The Purchase Order entry screen now lets you enter a billing address and a shipping address or you can use the default addresses that were set up in the Facility entry screen.


The Purchase Order report now shows the billing address and a shipping address.


There is a new feature on the Inventory data entry screen. If you change the cost per unit of an item, you can now also update all open work orders that have that specific inventory item to reflect the new cost per unit, if you desire.


There is a new feature on the Employee data entry screen. If you change the wage rate of an employee, you can now also update all open work orders that have that specific employee to reflect the new wage rate, if you desire.


Some changes were made to a few of the reports.


Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.


3/4/2009 version 2.9.1 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.9.1 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 or later on your computer before updating to version 2.9.1.


Ops Systems was acquired by Hach Company. This version contains cosmetic changes that reflect this.

Also JOB Cal is now known as Hach JOB Cal Basic and JOB Plus is now known as Hach JOB Cal Plus.


2/26/2009 version 2.9.0 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.9.0 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 or later on your computer before updating to version 2.9.0.


Version 2.8.9 introduced a bug that would prevent certain databases from being opened. This has been fixed.


A new feature has been added that allows you to assign work orders by right clicking on the calendar.


Some changes were made to a few of the reports.


Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.


2/13/2009 version 2.8.9 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.8.9 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 or later on your computer before updating to version 2.8.9.


An old 3rd party date control was removed from the project. This control was causing problems when a computer went into sleep mode.


The 2 new canned reports Work Order Statistics By Date and Work Order Backlog were not showing up on some customer’s report list even after upgrading to 2.8.8 and running Report Setup. It depended on which Restore button was clicked in Report Setup. Now they both work correctly.


The JOB Import Utility was giving an ActiveX 429 error. This has been fixed.


You can now change the tax rate on a closed purchase order.


The calendar screen now shows what inventory items need to be re-ordered if your computer screen is set to a high enough resolution (approximately 1024 X 768 or greater).


The interface statistic was not always saved after a change was made. This has  been fixed.


The unit price for purchase order items can now have more than 2 digits after the decimal point.


In the user defined field setup screen you can create lists for user defined fields which you can then access from different data entry screens. Some of the lists (for ex. Employee, Vendor, Inventory and Task lists would mistakenly bring up the Equipment List instead of the correct list. This has been fixed.


Some changes were made to a few of the reports.


Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.


4/3/2008 version 2.8.8 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.8.8 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 or later on your computer before updating to version 2.8.8.


One of the recent versions introduced a bug that would not show the task instructions on the work order detail screen. This has been fixed.


In the Purchase Order screen when you blank out the requested shipping date, it will now stay blank when you come back into the screen.


If you make a task inactive, you now have the choice about whether to remove the equipment from the task.


The Auto Work Order Scheduler stopped working recently, it now works again.


When you change the estimated labor hours in the task entry screen, it will now carry over to the existing open work orders.


There are 2 new canned reports. Work Order Statistics by Date and Work Order Backlog.


Some changes were made to a few of the reports.


Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.


1/21/2008 version 2.8.7 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.8.7 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 or later on your computer before updating to version 2.8.7.


One of the recent versions introduced a bug that let duplicate equipment numbers be entered. This has been fixed.


The meter entry screen now has a feature that enables you to filter which equipment shows up on the screen.


Some changes were made to a few of the reports.


Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.


12/5/2007 version 2.8.6 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.8.6 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.8.6.


Users who have JOB Plus and the Custom Report Designing Module now have the ability to create a Custom Report Deployment File. This is an easier way to distribute the custom reports they have created to different sites or to different databases on your own site.


All JOB Plus/Cal users have the ability to Import Custom Report Deployment Files.


A Custom Report Deployment File is a zip file that contains the reports (.rpx files) and 1 text file (.txt). When this zip file is imported it will copy the .rpx files to each Reports folder for each of the users databases. It will also update the Reports table in each of the users databases.


Some fields and tables were deleted from the database. The Assigned field in the Task table, the QtyOrderedBackup field in the POItems table and the WhoDeletedWhat table.


The program wouldn’t let you delete an employee if it was in use in the Task, TaskEq or EWO tables or if it was in use in any open work orders. It has been changed so it won’t let you delete an employee only if it is in use in closed work orders or open and closed purchase orders.


The spell check feature wasn’t working. It is now.


The program wouldn’t let you delete a meter reading entry. Now you can.


When changing the default work order notes for a task, the new default notes were only used for new work orders that are generated. And since we have already work orders 1 year into the future the new default notes would not show up until a year later unless you also rescheduled all of the equipment for that task. This has been changed so all of the open preventative work orders get the new default notes.


Some users will see a speed improvement in some areas of the program.


Some changes were made to a few of the reports.


Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.


8/16/2007 version 2.8.5 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.8.5 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.8.5.


When adding labor to work orders the screen refreshes and use to automatically scroll to the top of the list making the user scroll back down to the end of the list in order to enter the hours worked since the list is ordered by date. Now when a person is added the screen is refreshed and it automatically scrolls to the bottom of the list.


A spell checker has been implemented for the notes field on various data entry screens.


When clicking on the browse button (3 dots) in WO history, PO history and PO screens, the date columns are text columns so clicking on the header to sort didn't work correctly. All the dates in these search screens are now in a standard format (yyyy-mm-dd) so that the sort column function will actually be useful.


The Auto Backup feature has been improved. If the feature was turned on the program would try to do a backup every time someone started the program. This would often lead to multiple backup attempts per day and cause users to turn off the feature. Now you can set the number of days between backups (1 - 31 days) and once a good backup is created for a day it won’t try to make any more backups for that particular day.


You can now link files to equipment just like you can link files to tasks.


There is a new default report called Employee Labor.


There is a new default report called Open And Closed Work Orders By Date.


Some changes were made to a few of the reports.


Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.


5/23/2007 version 2.8.4 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.8.4 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.8.4.

When adding a miscellaneous item to a purchase order you can now add a new record to the Inventory table using the description of the item as the new Item# in the Inventory table.

When a user clicked the button to have the program calculate the Avg/Meter Reading Per Day in the Equipment Screen it use to only schedule new work orders due dates using the new averages, it left the existing work order's due date alone, which was causing confusion. Now existing work orders will also be rescheduled when new averages are calculated. Also work orders will be rescheduled when new averages are entered manually one at a time.

Closed work orders can now be re-opened. They will be re-opened as corrective work orders even if they were originally preventative work orders. This is so when they are re-closed they won’t mess up the schedule of related open work orders.

Fpflp30.ocx was removed from the project because it’s not being used. So there is one less file to have to worry about installing.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

5/14/2007 version 2.8.3 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.8.3 include:
You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.8.3.

The Equipment List Browser (3 dot button) on the equipment screen now also shows if the equipment is metered.

When closing a corrective work order you can now enter a closing meter reading if the equipment is metered.

The meter reading screen would sometimes give false warning messages. This has been fixed.

The Edit/Graphics Library screen would sometimes give the error message bad file name. This has been fixed.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

5/3/2007 version 2.8.2 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.8.2 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.8.2.

Users can set up lists for a user defined field. Data entry for these lists used to be handled by combo boxes. This could cause problems if a user set up a list and then entered something from that list in a user defined field for a work order, purchase order, equipment, etc. and then somebody else might delete something from that list so when viewing a record the actual value that was entered previously for a user defined field no longer existed in the combo box list. This has been remedied.

The estimated labor hours for work orders hasn’t been showing up correctly for work orders. This has been fixed when creating new work orders. You might have to reschedule any tasks for any existing work orders that are not displaying the estimated labor hours correctly.

If JOB Plus/Cal is installed on more than 1 computer they all need to be running the same version of the program. New versions often make changes to the database which will make older versions of the program give strange error messages. A new feature has been implemented that will not let a database be opened if the user isn’t running the appropriate version of the program.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

4/23/2007 version 2.8.1 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.8.1 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.8.1.

There is now an Inventory Location helper table to assist in setting up your inventory.

In the equipment entry screen the new button that automatically calculates the average meter reading would sometimes set the average to less than 0.1 which would cause the program to generate a lot of errors. It would also come up with numbers like 43.592849282873E-02 which would show up in the equipment screen as an average of 43.59284 since the box had a limit of 8 characters when it should have shown .44 after it was rounded off. This has been fixed.

The meter readings screen should now generate less warning messages having to do with possible data entry errors.

You can now enter estimated labor hours for each individual work order instead of only for each task.

The security use to rely on whatever a user called a database (the database name), which wouldn’t let some users into the program if it was called different names on different computers. It now uses the actual filename instead, which should fix this security issue.

In the Design Custom Reports module the Save As Template menu item now brings up a standard dialog which shows the existing .rpx templates.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

3/29/2007 version 2.8.0 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.8.0 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.8.0.

In the equipment entry screen there is a new button that will automatically calculate the average meter reading per day for all metered equipment from any existing meter readings that have already been entered into the system.

There use to be a limit of 500 for the number of labor or inventory items that could be entered for 1 work order. This restriction has been removed.

When adding inventory items to an open work order there is now the ability to add miscellaneous items from existing purchase orders.

In the close multi-work orders screen, you now have the ability to fill in all of the eligible work orders with 1 employee or to fill in all of the hours for each eligible work order with 1 number.

There was a bug that wouldn’t let you delete an open purchase order if there were already items added to it. This has been fixed.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

3/6/2007 version 2.7.9 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.7.9 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.7.9.

Changes have been made in the Pocket JOB module.

In the task entry screen you can now delete multiple pieces of equipment at a time instead of having to do it 1 piece at a time.

When in the equipment entry screen, clicking on the history button now also shows the WO# in addition to the other information.

In the Vendor entry screen, the search button ( the one with …), now shows the phone and cell phone numbers.

The program only scheduled work orders 11 months into the future, so the last 4 weeks on the calendar were blank. The program now schedules work orders 12 months into the future.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

2/7/2007 version 2.7.8 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.7.8 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.7.8.

One of the newer releases broke the Auto Work Order Scheduler, this has been fixed.

It is now possible to populate the Equipment Helper Tables (Department, Location and Type) with data that already exists in the Equipment table.

Go to the appropriate menu item to do this (Ex. Edit/Equipment Department).

You now have the ability to change the Equipment or Task on a closed corrective work order.

Adding Miscellaneous Inventory Items to a work order didn’t update the Inventory Cost and Total Cost correctly for the work order. This has been fixed.

In order to get any erroneous data corrected go to the menu item Utilities/Database Maintenance and click on the Repair WO Table button.

Some users were getting Error 94 Invalid Use of Null because their Security Table was corrupted.

Go to the menu item Utilities/Database Maintenance and click on the Repair Security Table button to fix this problem.

Some users who were using a Custom Report for their Default Open Work Order report were getting errors after printing Open Work Orders. This has been fixed.

On the Close Work Order screen a work order wouldn’t print if it had already been printed and the Default Option for Printing Work Orders was set to

Print only work orders that hadn’t been printed before. You can now print a work order from this screen no matter what you have the Options set to.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

1/19/2007 version 2.7.7 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.7.7 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.7.7.

There is now a Equipment Department helper table to assist in setting up your equipment.

There is now a Equipment Location helper table to assist in setting up your equipment.

If you have purchased the Pocket JOB module, improvements have been made.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

12/18/2006 version 2.7.6 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.7.6 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.7.6.

You can now add multiple pieces of equipment to a task at the same time instead of having to add 1 piece at a time.

Double clicking on a corrective work order on the screen and then saving it would sometimes display the equipment description on the screen instead of the equipment number. This has been corrected.

You can now sort by Work Order Number with the Filters.

There is now a Equipment Type helper table to assist in setting up your equipment.

Pocket JOB is now integrated into the JOB Plus program when you purchase the Pocket JOB module.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

11/13/2006 version 2.7.5 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.7.5 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.7.5.

You can now set a custom report to be one of your default reports for Open and Closed Work Orders and Open and Closed Purchase Orders.

You can now enter more information for individual items on a Purchase Order. The new fields are date received and notes.

When clicking on an estimated work order on the calendar the detail information at the bottom of the screen was often wrong. This has been corrected.

The Graphic Entry screen would sometimes give an overflow error. This has been corrected.

On the Purchase Order History screen, clicking on the Print button or the Edit Vendor button would give an error message. This has been corrected.

On the Purchase Order screen, clicking on the Edit Vendor button would give an error message. This has been corrected.

On the Work Order History screen, clicking on the Print Invoice button would give an error message. This has been corrected.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

8/28/2006 version 2.7.4 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.7.4 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.7.4.

The Meter Readings Entry screen loads faster. A database with 34,000 meter readings use to take 2 minutes to display the screen. That same database now takes 2 seconds to display the screen.

Open corrective work orders can now have the Equipment, Task and Date Due fields changed repeatedly.

Adding an inventory item with a description of more then 100 characters to a purchase order use to cause a bug. Not anymore.

When looking at the work order history screen, sometimes an error message would pop up saying the employee couldn’t be found even though the employee existed in the database. This has been fixed.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

8/3/2006 version 2.7.3 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.7.3 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.7.3.

Various reports (work order history, open job report, open and closed work orders) now show the work order type (Preventative, Corrective or Skipped). These reports can also now be filtered by the work order type.

Files of various types can now be associated with a task or purchase order.  For example the task - Replace Timing Belt could have multiple Adobe .pdf files associated with it and each one could have detailed instructions on the correct procedure for various makes of vehicles.  Another example is if each purchase order had a Microsoft Word Document associated with it that contained the original requisition information.

The purchase order screen has a new button that will display all of the open and closed purchase order numbers. This can be used to determine what the next purchase order number should be if you are entering these numbers manually.

The database maintenance screen now enables you to delete all open and/or closed work orders for a particular task or piece of equipment.

There was a bug that caused some open work orders on the calendar to be displayed with a gray color which signifies that it is a closed work order. This has been fixed.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

6/30/2006 version 2.7.2 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.7.2 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.7.2.

The auto backup feature now also backs up your Reports folder in case you have created any custom reports.

The search records button (the button with … on it) in the Task entry screen next to the Assigned To text box and in the Close Work Order screen next to the Assigned To text box and in the Work Order History screen have been changed so they now work like the other search buttons.

The last version introduced a bug that made it impossible to delete Inventory, Employees or Vendors. This has been fixed.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

6/8/2006 version 2.7.1 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.7.1 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.7.1.

Purchase Orders now have 9 user defined fields.

The closed and open Purchase Orders have been combined into 1 table (so make sure you restore default reports, see link below).

There was a bug that wouldn’t let you delete employees. This has been fixed.

The purchase orders and purchase order history screens now have a new and improved Search function (the button with … on it). It shows more fields to make searching easier.

Corrective work orders now have the work order notes automatically filled in with the default work order notes for the Task selected.

The work order history screen gave an error message when clicking on the Print WO button. This has been fixed.

The purchase order screen would sometimes give a No Current Record error. This has been fixed.

Some changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

4/25/2006 version 2.7.0 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.7.0 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.7.0.

The Graphics Entry screen used to have scroll bars for just the AutoCad .dxf files. Now raster files (.bmp, .jpg and .gif) also have

scroll bars if the file needs them.

The menu item Help\About has a link to make it easier to use our new GoToMeeting function. This enables one

of our customer support technicians to take control of your computer to help troubleshoot problems.

The work orders didn’t show the Equipment Graphics even if that option had been selected under the

Menu item Utilities\Options. They do now.


The Work Order History screen had a fatal error on some computers when clicking on the Search Work Order

History button (the button with … on it right next to the Work Order # field. This has been fixed.


The Task screen had a fatal error on some computers when clicking on the Search Tasks and Equipment

button (the button with … on it in the Equipment List Tab. This has been fixed.


Some small changes were made to a few of the reports.


Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.


3/29/2006 version 2.6.9 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.6.9 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.6.9.


Adding labor to work orders gave a type mismatch error message. This has been fixed.


Some small changes were made to a few of the reports.


Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.


3/23/2006 version 2.6.8 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.6.8 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.6.8.


The efficiency of the program has been improved. It takes less computer memory to run and the amount of network traffic has been reduced which should improve the speed, especially on large databases.


Deleting inventory gave an error message. This has been fixed.


The find function on the Work Order History screen gave an error message. This has been fixed.


The Work Order History screen has an improved browse records function.

Some small changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

2/21/2006 version 2.6.7 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.6.7 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.6.7.

Vendors now have User Defined Fields.

Users can now define lists for each User Defined Field that can be accessed via a drop down list.

You can now close Work Orders with parts that aren’t in Inventory. When adding items to a work order you

Can now select 1 or more Miscellaneous Items and type in a description and cost for the Miscellaneous items.

The equipment and task priorities are now editable for individual work orders.

When adding labor to a Work Order there use to be a limit of 25 rows, this has been expanded to a 500 row limit.

There was a bug that occurred when deleting Clients, this has been fixed.

Some users experienced a bug when rescheduling tasks, this has been fixed.

Some small changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

1/16/2006 version 2.6.5 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.6.5 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.6.5.


The Task entry screen had 100 as the maximum pieces of equipment that could be displayed.

You could add more than that but only 100 of them were displayed on the screen. Now up to

5000 pieces of Equipment can be displayed for every Task.


When running reports that required a date range you would sometimes get an invalid use of Null

Error when clicking on the date dropdown box, requiring you to type in the date. This has been fixed.

Some reports that let you filter by WO.AssignedTo would not work if you used that filter. This has been fixed.

Some other small changes were made to a few of the reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

11/16/2005 version 2.6.4 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.6.4 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.6.4.


One of the recent versions introduced a bug that caused the inventory to not be

correctly updated after closing a purchase order. This has been fixed.


One of the recent versions also introduced a bug that caused the auto work order

scheduler to give an error message (Error 91 object or block variable not set). This has been fixed.


The copy and paste buttons in the equipment entry screen were not always working

correctly. This has been fixed.

There are now user defined fields for the Employee table.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.


10/14/2005 version 2.6.3 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.6.3 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.6.3.


There was a random bug that sometimes occurred while closing a work order (work order #

not found). This has been fixed.

Most of the reports have been updated. Some low quality ink jet printers are still cutting

off the sides of some reports even with the increased margins that were implemented in

version 2.6.1. So once again the margins have increased on most of the default reports.

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

9/21/2005 version 2.6.2 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.6.2 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.6.2.


Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

9/14/2005 version 2.6.1 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.6.1 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.6.1.


There are now user defined fields for Equipment, Tasks, Work Orders, Facility and Inventory.

For example you could name one of the user defined fields for equipment as Serial Number and enter

the information in that field instead of putting it in the Equipment Notes.


There is a new priority system. JOB Cal users will have 3 priorities for Equipment and 3 priorities for

Tasks. High – Priority Level 3, Medium – Priority Level 2 and Low – Priority Level 1. The work

order priority will be  determined by multiplying the Equipment Priority Level by the Task Priority Level.

JOB Plus users will have the additional capability to set up an unlimited number of Priority Levels.


In the Task entry screen you can now enter default WO Notes. This will populate the WO notes field

of all new Work Orders that consist of this Task.


There was a bug in the Task entry screen. The next due date showed an incorrect date. This did not

affect the scheduling of the work orders but was very confusing to look at.


All of the reports have been updated. On some low quality ink jet printers the sides of reports

were getting cut off. The printers couldn’t handle a margin of only ¼ of an inch. The margin

on all reports has been increased. Some work orders were printing 2 pages when only

1 page should have been printed. Some users were getting a Scripting error when trying to

print open work orders. Some other changes were also made.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


8/4/2005 version 2.6.0 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.6.0 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.6.0.


When backing up certain databases error 526 occasionally occurred. This has been fixed.


The Purchase Order History and the Purchase Order screens now have a search button that will

enable you to pop up a scrollable screen that will show the existing entries at a glance.


Some reports have been updated.


The help file has been updated.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


7/14/2005 version 2.5.9 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.5.9 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.5.9.


The Invoice, Purchase Order and Purchase Order History reports have been updated.


The help file has been updated.


There was a bug on the Purchase Order History screen. Some fields didn’t get saved if

a change was made. This has been fixed.


7/7/2005 version 2.5.8 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.5.8 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.5.8.


Version 2.5.6 introduced a bug when repairing the database from within the program.

This has been fixed.


The release notes from Version 2.5.6 also failed to mention a few of the new features

that are available to JOB Plus users. Invoices can now be printed for closed work orders.

One way to do this is to select the Invoices Report from the Report menu and print

invoices for all closed work orders within a date range. The other way is to select the

menu item Utilities/History/Work Order History. Find a specific closed work order

and click on the Print Invoice button. There is a new data entry screen where you can

enter Clients. These clients can be associated with Tasks or individual Work Orders

for the purpose of generating invoices.


6/30/2005 version 2.5.7 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.5.7 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.5.7.


Version 2.5.6 had the following fatal bug when opening some databases.

Error 3078: Cannot find the input table or query ‘WoHist’.

This has been fixed.


6/29/2005 version 2.5.6 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.5.6 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.5.6.


The program now uses Active Reports instead of Crystal Reports internally.

This has several advantages. Before if we made a minor change to one report

it would involve recompiling the program and releasing a new version. Now the

reports are stored independently of the program in .rpx files. So now we can

change a report and just send out a .rpx file. This means that you can now easily

have us write a custom report for you at our standard hourly rate. JOB Plus

users also have the option of purchasing our Active Reports module (this is not

available to JOB Cal users). This will enable users to develop their own custom

reports within our program. Before you had to purchase Crystal Reports to develop

custom reports and you had to develop the custom reports outside of the JOB Plus



The work order history tables have been removed. The work order history is

now stored in the work order tables along with the open work orders. This will

speed up displaying the calendar screen on large databases. Some databases

showed a speed improvement of 35%.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


2/23/2005 version 2.5.4 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.5.4 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.5.4.


Closing out some work orders that had a Schedule Type of Fixed and that were

scheduled by Days could cause some related work orders to be rescheduled

as if they were floating. This has been fixed.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


2/16/2005 version 2.5.3 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.5.3 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.5.3.


Version 2.5.2 caused a bug in the Work Order History screen if you looked at

a record where the Equipment# field contained more than 15 characters. There

was also a problem converting some of the Equipment# fields to 30 characters

if some of the records contained a Null value for the Equipment# field.

This has been fixed.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


2/9/2005 version 2.5.2 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.5.2 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.5.2.


The Equipment# field in various tables was changed from 15 characters in length to

30 characters in length. We recommend that you use 20 characters at most for the

Equipment# in order to make the calendar screen more readable, etc.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


1/19/2005 version 2.5.1 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.5.1 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.5.1.


There was a bug on the equipment entry screen. If the statistic field on the interface

tab was blank the program would display Error: Invalid Statistic. This has been fixed.


12/22/2004 version 2.5.0 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.5.0 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.5.0.


Network versions had a bug where sometimes if 1 person was editing a Task it

would prevent another person from logging in to the same database.

This has been fixed.


There was a bug on the purchase order screen. If more than 25 items were added

to a purchase order strange things would happen. This has been fixed.


12/8/2004 version 2.4.9 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.4.9 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.4.9.


Version 2.4.8 introduced a bug that occurred in various places within the Filter

screen (Error 438 Object doesn’t support this property or method).

This has been fixed.


12/7/2004 version 2.4.8 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.4.8 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.4.8.


You can now close multiple work orders from the calendar screen by highlighting

several work orders, right-clicking and selecting close multiple work orders.


It also was upgraded to use the latest Farpoint controls.


Other minor enhancements were made and miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


7/6/2004 version 2.4.7 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.4.7 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.4.7.


You can now delete multiple work orders from the calendar screen instead of having

to delete them one at a time.


If you changed an equipment# any associated graphics were lost. This has been fixed.


Version 2.4.6 had an installation bug that involved the registry. It only occurs when installing the

full version from the CD. It only occurred on 2 computers but this has also been fixed.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


10/22/2003 version 2.4.6 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.4.6 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.4.6.


Version 2.4.4 and 2.4.5 have a different installation bug that only occurs when installing the

full version from the CD on a few select computers.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


9/17/2003 version 2.4.4 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.4.4 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.4.4.


Version 2.4.3 introduced an installation bug that only occurs when installing the

full version from the CD. If you downloaded version 2.4.3 there is no need to download

version 2.4.4.


9/10/2003 version 2.4.3 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.4.3 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.4.3.


A new feature has been added in the Task Entry Screen. If you place the cursor

over the Equipment # in the Equipment List Tab a tool tip will pop up that shows

the Equipment Description.


There are 2 new security fields in the User Type screen. The first one is

Report – Custom Reports. If it is checked the Run Custom Report button

will be visible on the Reports screen. The second one is Show wages and

subsequent costs in screen displays. If this is checked you will be able to

see wage rate information on the Employee screen and you will be able to

see hourly rate information, total labor cost and the total cost

when closing work orders. If you don’t want users to see this info, uncheck

this security field as well as uncheck the reports that contain wage information.


When adding graphics on the graphics entry screen, network users need

to use the UNC naming convention when specifying the path so other users

will be able to access the graphic also. Now when you add a new graphic

it will automatically take you to My Network Places instead of your C

drive which will make it easy for users to select the path in the correct way.


Skipping a work order places it in history. A bug deleted the associated labor

and inventory items used. This has been corrected so they will also be placed

in history.


There was a bug that occurred once in a while when rescheduling a job. If

the frequency was 1000 or greater and the user entered a comma (1,000)

it was changed to a frequency of 1. This has been corrected.


An error message sometimes popped up when closing a metered work order

that shouldn’t have. This has been corrected.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


2/11/2003 version 2.4.1 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.4.1 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.4.1.


The new section under Utilities called Database Maintenance that was introduced in

version 2.3.9 had some bugs which didn’t allow all of the open or closed work orders

to be deleted within a date range. It now works correctly.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


1/29/2003 version 2.4.0 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.4.0 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.4.0.


Some users were getting error #94, “Invalid Use Of Null” when starting the program.

This has been corrected.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


1/27/2003 version 2.3.9 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.3.9 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.3.9.


There is a new section under Utilities called Database Maintenance. Some of the

features in this section include the ability to delete open or closed work orders

within a date range.


A type mismatch error (#13) sometimes occurred while rescheduling certain tasks.

This has been corrected.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


1/9/2003 version 2.3.8 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.3.8 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.3.8.


An error occurred while trying to print work orders from the printer icon on the calendar screen.

This has been corrected.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


1/7/2003 version 2.3.7 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.3.7 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.3.7.


JOB Plus users now have the capability to create their own custom reports and run them from the JOB Plus program.

This is not available to JOB Cal users. You must have Crystal Reports version 8.5 or later installed to design reports.

See their web site at http://www.crystaldecisions.com for information on their products.

JOB data is stored in a Microsoft Access 97 database. You should be familiar with JOB Plus, Crystal Reports and

Microsoft Access to create custom reports. Our yearly technical service plan does not include support for helping you to design

custom reports however we are happy to provide custom support on an hourly basis.


Previously when you entered the equipment entry screen, the first record would always be displayed.

Now if you have a work order highlighted on the calendar and then enter the equipment entry screen, the

equipment record pertaining to the work order selected will be displayed.


Previously when you entered the task entry screen, the first record would always be displayed.

Now if you have a work order highlighted on the calendar and then enter the task entry screen, the

task record pertaining to the work order selected will be displayed.


The equipment list with notes report has been changed so it will not show the signal tag information

unless the scada interface check box has been checked on the options screen.


There is a now a User Report.


The User screen has a new browser button.


The Filter screen has a new browser button.


You can now use the Ctrl and Shift keys to print multiple work orders from the calendar that are not in

a contiguous block.


There was a bug in the Work Order History screen that caused labor entries to be added to the wrong

work order number. This only happened if you added labor after a work order had been closed.

This has been fixed.


You can now set up tasks that have a meter frequency greater than 32,000.


Now when you change the inventory quantities in the Work Order History screen, the inventory

quantity on hand will be changed.


It is now possible to delete skipped and closed work orders from the calendar.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


10/21/2002 version 2.3.6 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.3.6 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.3.6.


Version 2.3.5 caused the JOB Import Utility to stop working. This has been corrected.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


10/18/2002 version 2.3.5 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.3.5 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.3.5.


On some previous network versions the 2nd person who tried to use a database

that someone else was currently using would get an error stating that the database

is locked by another user. This has been fixed.


This version stores the serial number and two directory locations in the

registry under Local Machine, they use to reside in the registry under

Current User. Other values that pertain to each user such as how the

calendar is displayed, etc. are still in the registry under Current User as before.

This means that every time a new Windows user starts using this program on

a computer that had the program previously installed it won’t ask for the

serial number as it did before.


Sometimes the Auto Backup option would create corrupted zip files that were

1k - 3k bytes in size. The program no longer does this.


JOB Plus now has an Auto Work Order Scheduler. It can be started by clicking

on the Start button and going to Programs/OPS SYSTEMS/Auto WO Scheduler.

Once it is started, look at the online help to see how it works.


There is a new setting in the that will affect which work orders are printed.

It can be found in the menu under Utilities/Options. Under the General tab

you will see a section called Default Settings for Printing Work Orders.

In that section is a checkbox for Only WO’s that haven’t been printed. Once a

work order is printed by anyone it is flagged as being printed in the database. If you have

this box checked it means that this program will only print out the work orders that have

not been printed out by anyone else.

Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


9/12/2002 version 2.3.4 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.3.4 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.3.4.

Some users were getting Error opening file message when running the

Closed Work Orders and Open Work Orders reports. This has been fixed.

Some users were getting Error 5 – Invalid procedure call or argument when the calendar screen was loading. This has been fixed.

Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


6/31/2002 version 2.3.3 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.3.3 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.3.3.

Some users were getting some reports that had the information in the wrong place or the information would be missing. This has been fixed.

Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.

6/19/2002 version 2.3.2 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.3.2 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.3.2.

When a user right-clicked on an estimated job it would disappear until the screen was refreshed. This has been fixed.

A bug in the import utility was fixed.

On the Edit/Graphics screen you would get a file name not found error after you had loaded a graphic using a mapped drive.

The program now makes better use of Universal Naming Convention (UNC) for selecting files. Press the F1 key for online

help, go to the Index and look at the topic Universal Naming Convention for an explanation. This is only necessary for people using the network version of our program.

Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


6/4/2002 version 2.3.1 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.3.1 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.3.1.

When work orders were printed, not every work order started printing on a new page. This has been fixed.

Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


6/3/2002 version 2.3.0 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.3.0 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.3.0.

In Utilities/Options even if you unchecked the equipment notes box for the default when printing out work orders, the equipment notes would still show up on the work order.

This has been fixed.

On the Edit/Graphics screen you would get a bad file name or number error once in awhile. This bug has been fixed.

When printing out a work order with graphics and the graphics file was missing you would get a long series of message boxes telling you of the problem. Now you will only get 1 or possibly 2 error messages.

Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


5/29/2002 version 2.2.9 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.2.9 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.2.9.

On the task entry screen, the next due date was not showing up on the screen immediately after adding equipment. This bug has been fixed.

Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


5/22/2002 version 2.2.8 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.2.8 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.2.8.

Work orders and Closed Work orders should now print correctly.

Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


5/14/2002 version 2.2.7 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.2.7 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.2.7.

The Print Current View  icon now prints what is shown on the screen, before it printed the column

that the cursor was in plus the next 4 columns.

The Open Job Report can now include the work order notes.

The Find/Work Order menu item now works correctly.

The Equipment List tab on the Task Entry screen has a new browser button that will you allow you to search for tasks that have equipment assigned. This will make it easy to see all the tasks associated with a particular piece of equipment.

The Work Order History screen has a new browser button.

Reports that contain graphics are now previewed instead of printing automatically.

Equipment graphics can now also be printed on work orders in addition to task graphics.

Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.

4/12/2002 version 2.2.6 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.2.6 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.2.6.

The work orders will be displayed on the calendar approximately 75% faster.

The Task entry screen also loads much faster.

The Equipment List Report can now be sorted by Equipment #, Location, Type, Location or Department.

You can also specify 2 sort fields.


Certain types of graphic files can now be associated with a task or equipment.

The files that are supported are either raster or vector files.

The raster files supported are .bmp, .jpg and .gif files.

The only vector file supported is .dxf files which are Autocad files.


There are now 4 different work orders that you can print.

1.      Simple WO’s

2.      WO’s with equipment notes

3.      WO’s with task graphics

4.      WO’s with equipment notes and task graphics

You can set the default work order that is printed out from the calendar screen in Utilities/Options/General.


There is a new Vendor List report.


The Employee, Vendor and Inventory screens now have a […] browser button to display a list of

records to pick from similar to the Equipment and Task screens.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


2/27/2002 version 2.2.4 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.2.4 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.2.4.

A bug in version 2.2.3 that caused a window to pop up that said Null when looking at certain records in the Equipment Entry Screen has been fixed.

There was a bug in setting the default work order that is printed out from the calendar screen in Utilities/Options/General.

If you selected “with Equipment Notes” you didn’t get the notes and vice versa. That has been corrected.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


2/14/2002 version 2.2.3 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.2.3 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.2.3.

Phone, Fax and Country have been added to purchase orders.

Many of the reports are now easier to read.


A bug that caused a duplicate value error when importing certain databases has been fixed.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


2/4/2002 version 2.2.2 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.2.2 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.2.2.

 The Equipment List Report can now be sorted by either Equipment # or Location.

 The Equipment Entry Screen and the Task Entry Screen now have a search button that will enable you to pop up a scrollable screen that will show the existing entries at a glance.


The Equipment Location has been added to printed work orders.


There are now 2 different work orders that you can print. One has the equipment notes and the other one doesn’t have them. You can also set the default work order that is printed out from the calendar screen in Utilities/Options/General.


The backup utility generated an error when the database name was over 13

characters in length. That has been fixed.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


1/9/2002 version 2.2.1 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.2.1 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.2.1.

The work orders will be displayed on the calendar approximately 35% faster.

You can now get into online help through the menu at the top of the screen without getting an error.

Before you had to use F1 to get into online help.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


12/27/2001 version 2.2.0 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.2.0 include:

You must have version 2.1.9 on your computer before updating to version 2.2.0.

The Display Calendar Error 6 – Overflow bug has been fixed.

Now when you print a work order, the work order notes field will expand instead of getting truncated.

Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


11/16/2001 version 2.1.7 released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.1.7 include:

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

 10/16/2001 version 2.1.5 Beta released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.1.5 include:

When the calendar display is set to display in days the work orders will now show up in the correct columns, i.e. the overdue jobs will now be displayed in todays date column instead of the date they were originally due.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


10/12/2001 version 2.1.4 Beta released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.1.4 include:

The last version fixed a bug in jobs that were the Days/Meter type. Unfortunately it also created a new bug, so that when you closed a work order that was the Days/Meter type, it calculated the wrong due meter for the remaining work orders on the screen. It’s been fixed but you are going to have to reschedule the work orders that have the wrong due meter.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


10/10/2001 version 2.1.3 Beta released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.1.3 include:

You can now switch between weekly and daily calendar layouts without exiting the program.


Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


10/4/2001 version 2.1.1 Beta released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.1.1 include:

In previous versions if you tried to close a corrective work order you would get an error message saying there was no record for task #1 in the TaskEq table. That has been fixed. But now if you try to close a work order that you previously got the above error you will get now get error # 3022 having to do with not being able to create a duplicate value. In order to correct this write down the Work Order # that is giving you a problem. Select the menu item Utilities, History, Work Order History. This will bring up the Work Order History screen, find the Work Order # and delete the record from history. Now you should be able to close the work order. A simpler solution would be just to delete the problem corrective work order and create a new one.


Many miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.


9/28/2001 version 2.1.0 Beta released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.1.0 include:

Miscellaneous bugs were fixed.

 9/26/2001 version 2.0.9 Beta released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.0.9 include:

The import has been updated. The old JOB Cal program allowed you to have duplicate tasks. That is no longer permissible. The import will check for duplicates and rename them. Ex. if you had 6 tasks called Inspection in your old database the import will rename them to Inspection, Inspection2, Inspection3, Inspection4, Inspection5, Inspection6. Some of you had duplicates so you could have different instructions for different equipment. One suggestion is to have 1 Inspection task and in the instructions you could list the 6 different pieces of equipment with the specific instructions for each one.

 Miscellaneous bugs were also fixed.

 9/11/2001 version 2.0.7 Beta released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.0.7 include:

You must have version 2.0.5 installed before you can install 2.0.7 from our web site.

 In previous versions if equipment was scheduled by meter for a task, more work orders might have been generated than there should be. There should be at the most 2 work orders on the screen for that task and equipment combination. Either 1 estimated WO or (1 estimated WO and 1 open WO). This has been fixed, although you might want to reschedule your metered jobs in order to get any previously generated erroneous work orders off the screen.  

This release increases the margins on reports so they should print on marginal quality printers without getting cut off. Some fields were also getting cut

off in previous versions. This version also fixes some type mismatch errors and other miscellaneous bugs.


8/27/2001 version 2.0.5 Beta released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.0.5 include:

More bugs were fixed in the import utility. The import made it impossible to close some work orders under certain conditions. If you have imported any databases with any previous versions you need to uninstall your current version, delete the directories that were created for this version. Ex. C:\Job and the directory on the server if you are using a network version, Ex. F:\Job. If you have a new 2.0.5 CD then install 2.0.5 from your CD and then re-import your data. If you don’t have version 2.0.5 on a CD then reinstall from your original CD, go to our website, download and install the upgrade and then re-import your data.

We recommend that everyone follow the instructions in the above paragraph whether they have imported any data or not. That way you will be starting out with a clean slate.

8/15/2001 version 2.0.3 Beta released to the Internet
The major enhancements and/or bug fixes in Version 2.0.3 include:

A few of you had access violation errors when you tried to install our new product versions 2.0 and 2.1. If you select ignore this error during the install, the program should still work fine. If it doesn't let us know. The error means the file already exists on your computer.  Bugs were fixed in the import utility. If you have imported any databases with Versions 2.0.0 or 2.0.1 you should uninstall this version, delete the directories that were created for this version. Ex. C:\Job and the directory on the server if you are using a network version, Ex. F:\Job.

Then reinstall from your CD, go to our website, download and install the upgrade and then re-import your data.

Versions 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 caused some work orders due date to be set to erroneous dates such as 1899 and 1900. This has been fixed. We strongly suggest that you should uninstall this version, delete the directories that were created for this version. Ex. C:\Job and the directory on the server if you are using a network version, Ex. F:\Job. Then reinstall from your CD, go to our website, download and install the upgrade.

If you don’t want to do this you will have to reschedule all jobs that have these inaccurate dates.

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Created on 6/7/2007 9:29 AM.
Last Modified on 7/19/2018 8:23 AM.
Last Modified by Scott Dorner.
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