Home : Products : General : Enabling the security tab in windows explorer
Q10329 - HOWTO: Enabling the security tab in windows explorer

In Windows XP Home, as well as Windows XP Professional that is NOT part of a domain, the advanced security settings are hidden by default and a simplified security and permissions interface is given to the user. Occasionally, more fine-grained permissions control is necessary.  

  1. Open up Windows Explorer (easiest way is to double-click My Computer). You should see a screen similar to the following:
  2. Click on Tools -> Folder Options (See picture above)

  3. As seen in the screenshot above, make sure the option "Use simple file sharing" is UNCHECKED.

  4. Click OK

  5. You should see the security tab when you right click any file/directory and choose "Properties":

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excellent Approved: 8/22/2011 11:53 PM
This info was helpful. Thanks! Approved: 2/3/2010 7:51 AM
u made microsoft (site offering solution to the same prob)look like computer illiterate, thanks man. it works! Approved: 8/30/2009 1:45 PM
This is an excellent article but I found an article in Microsoft Article ID : 303248 which tells us that The Simple File Sharing user interface is enabled in Windows XP Home Edition. Approved: 9/4/2008 11:37 AM
This was useful. thanks Approved: 6/20/2008 3:35 AM
was able to follow the steps. There were instructions showing how to enable the security tab which I also needed but had no idea how to do. Approved: 9/23/2007 9:11 AM
Article very easy to follow and completed steps but did not fix the security issue Approved: 8/19/2007 11:49 AM
Fine - did all that but Security option still not there Approved: 7/16/2007 1:55 PM
how do I boot home edition in Safe Mode to get the security tab? mencer@shaw.ca Approved: 6/16/2007 4:21 PM
I found this a great help, but like others it was not the whole story. I could not see the "Use Simple File Sharing (Recommended)" check box either, but I thought this might be because it was XP home edition, so I did a bit more research. Turns out you have to boot Home Edition in Safe Mode to get the security tab. Approved: 6/13/2007 3:15 AM
I think your article is on its way to helping me; but I can not see the "Use Simple File Sharing (Recommended)" check box. bobandruby@shaw.ca Approved: 6/5/2007 10:05 PM
The first real help Ive found yet. Thank you so much. Approved: 6/4/2007 7:55 PM
This was the first place that bothered to explain why I was not seeing the Security tab. Thanks sooo much! Approved: 6/1/2007 11:33 PM
I dont see the "Use simple file sharing" as part of the list. what shall I do? I appreciate a reply on nicolas61@gmail.com thanks Approved: 5/25/2007 2:04 AM
ahhh, very good explanation! Approved: 12/5/2006 7:41 AM
Created on 12/4/2006 9:58 PM.
Last Modified on 12/4/2006 9:58 PM.
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