Home : Products : OPS SQL : Registering the FLP32a30.ocx component
Q10325 - SUPPORT: Registering the FLP32a30.ocx component

FLP32a30.ocx is a VB6 ActiveX control used by Farpoint for some of their components we use in OPS32/OPSSQL.
We distribute this component with the installation CD, but for reasons unknown, this component might get corrupted/deleted after an OPS32 upgrade or a Windows upgrade/reinstallation.

The fix is:

  1. Get the control from one of our installation CD's, i.e., P:\CDs\OPS32v343\Setup\Support
  2. Email it to the customer or have them download it from the FTP site.
  3. Make sure the customer is logged in with Administrator priviledges! If not, you cannot complete the procedure!
  4. Copy the file over to C:\Windows\System32 (or C:\WINNT\System32, or wherever the windows root is)
  5. Open a command terminal. Start -> Run -> "cmd.exe"
  6. Type: "regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\FLP32a30.ocx" (without the quotes)

You should get a message box saying the component was registered succcessfully!


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Created on 11/30/2006 10:43 AM.
Last Modified on 8/6/2008 2:00 PM.
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