Home : Products : Aspen : Using Access 2003 and Access 2002 with Aspen
Q10218 - INFO: Using Access 2003 and Access 2002 with Aspen

Using Access 2003 and Access 2002 with Aspen


Information in this Article applies to:

  • Aspen version 7.x
  • Aspen version 6.x
  • Aspen version 5.x
  • Aspen version 4.x

The above referenced versions of Aspen (Aspen Enterprise) have been developed using Microsoft Access version 2000 to afford the most compatibility with all of our Client’s needs; however, this does not preclude our Client’s from using newer versions of Access if they so desire.


The newer versions (since version 2000) of Microsoft  Access, are forwardly compatible.  This means a newer version of MS Access can open and modify the Aspen databases created with Access 2000 (9.x).  Databases created using Access 2002 (10.x/XP) or Access 2003 (11.x) cannot be opened directly with Access 2000, without converting the databases to a prior version.  Aspen’s databases cannot be converted to a new version of Access by our end users. When opening a database created using Access 2000 with Access 2002 or 2003 the database indicates that the file is in a 2000 file format. This does not affect the functionality of the system nor does it prevent the LIMS administrator from making changes and adding new objects.  Since Access understands the database was created with an older version, some new features are not available; therefore, the database can still be distributed to workstations running Access 2000.


Some users would like to use only Access 2002 or 2003, eliminating the need to have the runtime version of Access 2000 on each workstation.  This can be accomplished by removing the Microsoft Access Runtime version from the computer using the Add Remove Programs feature in the Control Panel.  After selecting the Microsoft Access 2000 (SR1) Runtime from the list, click on the Remove button.  This will remove the runtime application from the computer.  Keep in mind if you remove the runtime version of Access the computer will need to have a full version of Access installed before Aspen can run. After the Access 2000 runtime version has been removed from the computer the Aspen shortcut will need to be modified to call the full version of Access.  The shortcut installed with the application will look like this (the path will be determined at the time of installation this is only an example):


"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Access Runtime\Office\MSACCESS.EXE"  /runtime /profile "Aspen" /wrkgrp "C:\Progam Files\Aspen\Aspen.mdw" "C:\Program Files\Aspen\program.mdb"


The shortcut will need to be change to remove the call to the Runtime directory:


Access 2002:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE"  /runtime /profile "Aspen" /wrkgrp "C:\Progam Files\Aspen\Aspen.mdw" "C:\Program Files\Aspen\program.mdb"


Access 2003:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\MSACCESS.EXE"  /runtime /profile "Aspen" /wrkgrp "C:\Progam Files\Aspen\Aspen.mdw" "C:\Program Files\Aspen\program.mdb"


By including the runtime switch (/runtime), when Aspen opens it will behave as if it is running a runtime version e.g. users will not be able to access the the database window etc.


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Created on 11/17/2005 4:09 PM.
Last Modified on 1/31/2008 10:38 AM.
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