Home : Products : Aspen : Worksheets are locked and won''t open
Q10212 - ERRMSG: Worksheets are locked and won''t open

I get the message that the worksheet is locked and now it won’t open.


Information in this Article applies to:

  • Aspen version 7.x
  • Aspen version 6.x
  • Aspen version 5.x
  • Aspen version 4.x
  • Aspen version 3.5
  • Conifer32 version 4.0

Version 7.x & 6.x & 5.x

If someone was in a worksheet and did not exit via the Close button or the network crashed, that person still "owns" the worksheet.  To clear these locks select Unlock Tests For Single User from the Maintenance Menu option.  From the drop down list select the person that is associated with the workhseet and click Unlock.


Version 4.x & 3.5 & Conifer32

If someone was in a worksheet and did not exit via the Back button, Close button or the network crashed, that person still "owns" the worksheet.  To clear these locks open the Utilities Menu and  select the option Unlock Tests for Single User.  From the drop down list select the person that is associated with the workhseet and click Unlock.


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Created on 11/17/2005 2:53 PM.
Last Modified on 1/31/2008 10:35 AM.
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