Home : Products : Aspen : Adding user defined fields to the Manufacturer Library
Q10204 - HOWTO: Adding user defined fields to the Manufacturer Library

I Added fields to the Manufacturers Library and I want  the ability to replicate them and to add them to Samples at Login.


Information in this Article applies to:

  • Aspen version 7.x
  • Aspen version 6.x
  • Aspen verson 5.x
  • Aspen version 4.x
  • Aspen version 3.5
  • Conifer32 version 4.0

Replicating ManufacturerLibrary fields:

You will need to modify the following query.  Add your new fields from the Submitter Library table to the query grid.

  • Replicate Manufacturer Selection

Getting Manufacturer fields to show up at Login:

You will need to modify the following queries.  Add your new fields from the Manufacturer Library table to the query grid.  The first query is evoked when you click on the MfgID field on the Login Edit form.  The second query is only evoked when a Reference ID is used at Login and a MfgID is associated with a Sample Reference.

  • Lookup Manufacturer Information
  • Lookup Manufacturer Information (SamRef)


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Created on 11/17/2005 1:39 PM.
Last Modified on 1/31/2008 10:33 AM.
Last Modified by No Author Name Available!.
Skill Level: Novice.
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