Home : Products : OPS SQL : Installing AdoCalc for Microsoft SQL 2000
Q10072 - HOWTO: Installing AdoCalc for Microsoft SQL 2000
  1. Put the OPS SQL installation cd in your CD-ROM drive. Go to ADOCALC and click on Microsoft SQL 2000

  2. Select Open on File Download dialog
  3. Click Yes if a Security Warning Message pops up.

  4. Click OK on the installation welcome screen:

  5. If you would like to change the default installation path, click on Change Directory. Otherwise, click on the INSTALL button

  6. Stand by during the installation until you see the following message:

    Click OK
  7. Go to the directory where AdoCalc was installed. Right click on ntadocalc.exe and select Create Shortcut

  8. Right click on "Shortcut to ntadocalc.exe" and select Properties

  9. You will see the following :

    Add -i onto the end of the Target field. Click OK
  10. You'll be back to windows expolorer. Right click again on "Shortcut to ntadocalc.exe" and select Open
  11. A new file should get created in the folder. Its name is ntadocalc.log

  12. If you open ntadocalc.log you should see the following :

  13. Find ADOCALC.INI in the directory where ADOCALC was installed

  14. Double click on adocalc.ini and it will open in Notepad.

    Change DBTYPE to say 2. Also you will need to specify your database server name under Data Source for the "2=" line. Save your changes and exit.
  15. Go to Start/Run...
  16. Type in services.msc and hit OK
  17. Scroll to OPSAdoCalc service and select it.

  18. Right click and select Properties
  19. Under Properties, go to the Log On tab. Select This account, type in your OPS SQL NT user and password. Click Apply and you should see the following:

    Click OK.
  20. In services, right click on OPSAdoCalc and select Start

  21. OPSAdoCalc should now report a status of Started.

  22. Find the LOG folder in the directory where ADOCALC was installed
  23. Open the first log file and look at its contents. Successfully installed ADOCALC's log will look similar to this one :


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Created on 11/15/2004 3:48 PM.
Last Modified on 9/18/2007 5:39 PM.
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