Home : Products : OPS SQL : Creating OPSTUTOR via OPS Server Setup for Microsoft SQL 2000
Q10069 - HOWTO: Creating OPSTUTOR via OPS Server Setup for Microsoft SQL 2000
  1. Open the OPS SQL installation in Windows Explorer. Go to the Common Directory
  2. You should see folders TutorV3 and TutorV3_Water. These folders contain OPS32 Facility Databases.

  3. TutorV3 folder contains a Waste Water Treatment Tutorial Facility. TutorV3_Water contains a Water Treatment Tutorial Facility. Depending on what type of a Treatment facility you run, Copy the proper folder.
  4. Paste the coppied folder onto your desktop.

  5. On your desktop, Right Click on the folder name and select Properties

  6. In Properties, make sure there is no checkmark under Attributes/Read-Only. If there is one, uncheck it, click Apply, and confirm Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files

  7. Run OPS MS SQL Server Setup

  8. Click Next and type in your database server name. Click Next again.
  9. You screen should now look as follows:

    If that is not the case, you cannot continue with further steps. The problem may be that you have not yet set up the OPSROOT database.
  10. Type in SUPER for username and password and click Next.
  11. In SERVER SETUP, click on the Import Facility Tab
  12. Click on the button to open the following dialog:

  13. Find the folder previously created in Step 4. Select the .mdb file inside it.

  14. Click Open and you will be back to this screen:
  15. Type TUTOR under the Unique Identifier and Tutorial Facility under facility name.

  16. Hit Execute. Stand by until the you see the following confirmation :

  17. Hit OK and then OK again on the Report Log Window. You will be set back to the main menu of OPS Server Setup. Click on the Server Setup tab and then hit the Exit button.


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Created on 11/15/2004 1:48 PM.
Last Modified on 9/18/2007 5:38 PM.
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