Home : Products : OPS SQL : GNR Server After OPS SQL Client Upgrade
Q10031 - HOWTO: GNR Server After OPS SQL Client Upgrade
GNR server runs as an NT service. During its execution, it makes calls to the OPS SQL Client (OPSSQL.exe) which performs the actual report & graph generations. OPSSQL.exe cannot login to the OPS SQL database unless its version is equal or higher than 'Minimum Client version to Login'.

Everytime you raise the 'Minimum Client version to Login' setting in Admin Console of OPS SQL, GNR server will seize to work. Hence you need to make sure that the OPSSQL_GNR_Server NT service is not running at the time when 'Minimum Client version to Login' is raised.

After 'Minimum Client version to Login' was raised, you will need to run OPSSQL.exe on the GNR server computer. Follow the client self-upgrade instructions. This way OPSSQL.exe will be manually updated to the latest version available in the database and will match the 'Minimum Client version to Login' setting. The GNR Server can now once again use OPSSQL.exe. You can now safely start the OPSSQL_GNR_Server NT service. It will resume with its normal execution.


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Created on 2/24/2004 5:53 PM.
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