Home : Products : Hach WIMS : Hach WIMS Client : Documentation : Main Menu : Graph Pac : Probability
Q10990 - INFO: Probability

Produces cumulative probability plots of single variables over a specified time period.  Probability graphs can be used to predict the probability of an event occurring.  For example, a probability graph can be used to determine the chance your flow will be greater than 5 MGD.


Start Date: Sets the start date for the graph.

End Date: Sets the end date for the graph.

Graph Title: The main heading for the graph, appears at the top of the graph.

2nd Title: The subheading for the graph.  Appears just below the Graph Title.  Works best with 2D graph types.

Variable:  Use the variable picker to choose the variable.  You can plot up to 4 variables by using each tab on the form.

Lower Limit: Used to filter the data.  During analysis, any values less than the lower limit are ignored.  If the field is left blank, None displays in the field indicating there is no Lower Limit.

Upper Limit: Used to filter the data.  During analysis, any values greater than the upper limit are ignored.  If the field is left blank, None displays in the field indicating there is no Upper Limit.

Linear: Displays the equation for the linear fit of the data set.  A Linear fit is used as a default.  To display the curve fit to place on the graph, check the plot linear fit option.

Exponential: Displays the equation for the exponential fit of the data set.  To display the curve fit to place on the graph, check the plot Exponential fit option.



Used to set the date range for the graph.

Displays the graph based on the current settings in the View Probability Graph form.

Closes the form.



Probability Graph showing the flow:


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Created on 4/25/2008 1:06 PM.
Last Modified on 11/26/2008 11:26 AM.
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